The Benefits Of Upgrading To A Smart Home Electrical System

June 02, 2023

Remember that old cartoon The Jetsons? It depicted a family living in the future, with flying cars, automatic toothbrushing machines and all kinds of crazy gismos. While we’re not quite as advanced as the life depicted in The Jetsons, what we can do with technology is pretty sweet.

Smart home electrical systems are a prime example. And there are so many benefits to smart home electrical systems other than just the novelty and the convenient. Here, the expert electricians at Spectra Electrical and Communications explain the benefits of upgrading to a smart home electrical system.

Better energy efficiency

The best perk of switching to a smart home system is improved energy efficiency. A smart home electrical set up allows you to control basically every electrical appliance through your smartphone or iPad. You have the ability to control your HVAC, lighting and other appliances when you’re not at home, allowing you to switch off any lights that a family member has left on accidentally, or check whether your air-conditioning is still running. You can also easily program your lights to turn off at certain points, ensuring that your energy bills and carbon footprint are reduced as much as possible.

Improved safety

One huge benefit of upgrading to a smart home electrical system is improved safety. With a smart home electrical system, you can be alerted to potential dangers when you’re not present at home. Let’s say you’ve left the house but then your smoke alarm detects a fire. Without a smart home electrical system, your house could be razed to the ground without you knowing about it. But since smart home technology can connect your smoke detector to your WiFi system, it can send an alert to your phone, allowing you to notify the fire department.

The same can be done with security systems, cameras, and garage door and front door locks – they can all be monitored and controlled remotely via an app in your smartphone, leading to a safer home.

Mod cons

So, we don’t have the automatic tooth-brusher thing that was predicted we’d have in The Jetsons, but we do have some other pretty cool mod cons thanks to smart home electrical systems. We can program our coffee machine to automatically make our brew at 7am every weekday, and 8.30am on weekends. We can program the toaster to do the same thing. We can make our speaker system play ‘Celebration’ by Kool and The Gang every time we get home from work on Friday night. Pretty neat, right?

There are dozens of reasons why Australians are making the switch to smart home electricity systems. Spectra Electrical are your team of choice if you’re wanting to upgrade to a smart system. Our team of professional electricians are highly experienced in smart home conversion and help you reduce energy bills, improve safety and add cool features to your home simultaneously. Get in touch with Spectra Electrical and start living smarter today.